Sunday, January 18, 2009

One of the first things you may find yourself doing when you own a basement is fishing around for the steps... especially if you have a basket of piled-to-your-eyeballs laundry in your arms. On numerous occasions there have also been times that we almost skipped a step because we didn't have a light turned on so the steps all faded together visually. 

Solution? One day I was looking through all the half-empty paint cans we had acquired and made a brave choice. I painted the steps! Yep! Two toned, as you can see... the dark gray and the lime green wouldn't normally "go" together, and purposefully so if you don't want to keep mis-stepping down to your basement. 

So before you take that next step, put a coat of paint on the steps and alternate colors so your inlaws also won't fall. You'll gain love from every visitor. Trust me.

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